Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dublin did well without cars in the past

thejournal : "Up until the 1920s the main mode of public transportation around the city was its tramways.
Ther service came into existence in 1865 and, according to Moving Through Modernity: Space and Geography in Modernism, was considered “one of the most impressive in the world” by 1904.
On the old system, Dublin had pretty comprehensive coverage."

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

UK cuts buses, because destroying the biosphere brings more profits, and poor people don't matter

The Guardian: "Last week the IPPR thinktank published a report focused on bus travel that was full of sobering findings. In 2013-14, there were more bus passenger journeys in London than in the rest of England combined. Between 2009 and 2014 councils’ spending on local-transport services fell by 19.7%. In the past year Cumbria has cut its bus subsidies by 44%; in Herefordshire they have been reduced by 39%; and in Dorset by 24%. As the cuts bite a story of disappearing services is blurring out of rural areas into the suburbs, as evidenced by growing controversy in built-up areas of Hampshire and Surrey."

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Scotland selling car-free tourism

MNN: "A new guide, part of the Transform Scotland initiative, gives tourists all the information that they need to see the most popular attractions without having to drive at all. Dubbed “Car-Free Tourism,” the site focuses on 24 attractions and activities. Each has its own profile page with all the information needed to get there and back without a car."